Tue, Apr 06
Zoom - Craft Group - April
Our regular Craft Group meeting.
Time & Location
Apr 06, 2021, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
About the Event
This month we'll be making cards for the Maple Village WI Sunshine Fund
You may have heard recently about the Maple Village WI Sunshine Fund. This is where Maple Village sends cards, flowers or other small gifts for members who might need some extra support from us from time to time. For example, we may wish to reach out to members who are in hospital or who have been bereaved, etc. We might also wish to send a gesture to members who may be celebrating, such as the end of treatment or all-clear following illness, or the arrival of a new baby or a wedding.
We thought it would be more personal if the Sunshine cards were handmade by our own Craft Group. There’s no set tutorial for this event, so please use whatever materials you have and make your card/s in your own style. You may wish to craft them with a particular circumstance in mind, such as “get well soon”, “with sympathy” or “congratulations”, or you may prefer to make the style quite general so your card/s would be suitable for different occasions. You can make as many or as few cards as you wish. It would be great to end up with a selection of cards with a mixture of styles and themes. As always, Pinterest is a brilliant source of inspiration and feel free to share any ideas on the Craft Group Forum on the Maple Village app.
We’ll arrange collecting the cards afterwards so they can be stored by Maple Village until they’re needed. All members welcome.
To join, go to Zoom: https://www.wixevents.com/oc?join=JWS.eyJraWQiOiJpb21iOUJ0eSIsImFsZyI6IkhTMjU2In0.eyJkYXRhIjoie1wiYWN0aW9uXCI6XCJqb2luXCIsXCJpbnN0YW5jZUlkXCI6XCJmYTc2ZmQzYS0zODhlLTRjNDAtYTljZS02Nzg1YjZhNTJhY2VcIixcImV2ZW50SWRcIjpcImQyOTFiNDY4LTdkMTEtNGUyNS05MWY3LTM0NTVhZTUxODA0ZVwifSIsImlhdCI6MTYxNTk4NDA5MH0.gQ6aRI_MOnu0dQXvG4Y7o_WMHnUT4wTg-AHh1i4DttA
Your Meeting ID is 836 4881 1767 .
If you need any tech help to join in, please let us know!