Wed, Apr 13
|The Italian Taste
Pudding Club - April
Our usual monthly meeting
Time & Location
Apr 13, 2022, 7:30 PM
The Italian Taste, 44 Victoria Rd, Surbiton KT6 4JL, UK
About the Event
The Pudding Club will be meeting at the Italian Taste in Victoria Road, Surbiton at 7.30pm. for dinner and a pudding or 8pm for just a pudding.
The booking is limited to 8 people so please RSVP to reserve your place.
Some Sub-Group Specific H & S recommendations
· Events should only be held in venues where a recognized Food Hygiene Rating is displayed.
· Members are reminded to check menus to ensure food does not contain any items which will cause allergic reactions and to clarify any food contents with venue staff if unsure of contents.
· Members with known allergic reactions are advised to alert the sub group leader or another group member attending, if they do have particular allergies, or if they carry an Epipen for anaphylaxis.
NFWI Meeting Recommendations
While COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted, we will still be taking precautions to reduce the risk of transmission during physical events:
· Face coverings are no longer a legal requirement. However, some members may feel more comfortable continuing to wear one and this should be respected.
· Wash/sanitise your hands and cover coughs and sneezes during events and meetings. Members attending are advised to bring hand-sanitiser with them and to use it at regular intervals during the event.
· Please stay at home if you have any Covid symptoms or have received receive a positive LFT.
· Inform your WI Committee if you attended a WI meeting/activity and have tested positive for Covid in the last 10 days.
· Where possible, it is still recommended that members carry out a rapid lateral flow test before attending a meeting to ensure they are not unknowingly infected with Covid.
· Members who are clinically at high-risk are advised to decide carefully whether attending face-to-face is a safe option for them in the chosen venue and situation.
· Whilst social distancing is no longer mandatory you may choose to limit the close contact you have with people you do not usually live with.